Products & Service
Pocket Wafer
Pocket Wafer
The purpose of Chipmetrics’ pocket wafers are to enable easier use of Chipmetrics’ test chips in wafer level processing.
Pocket wafers, which have etched pockets are designed to carry multiple 15x15 mm test chips.
The available pocket wafer sizes are 150 mm, 200 mm and 300 mm.
Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD)
High Aspect Ratio
ALD Deposition
Conformal Coating
ALD Process
Thin Film Deposition
Film Uniformity
ALD Thickness Control
High Aspect Ratio Structures
Nano-scale Deposition
ALD Surface Chemistry
ALD Precursors
ALD Monitoring
Metrology for ALD
Film Conformality
Aspect Ratio Dependent Etching
ALD Growth Mechanisms
ASD (Area Selective Depostion)
ALE (Atomic Layer Etching)
Detail Specification