Magnet Bar Analysis for Sputtering Units
Rotating magnetrons and adjustable magnet bars can be measured and analyzed exactly within the sputtering process for thin-film coating. Defective magnetrons and magnet bars are identified early and reliably. The homogeneity of the layer thickness can be increased and a sputtering-through can be avoided.
Detail Specification
Sputtering on glass or silicon requires high quality standards. Even small fluctuations in thickness of the deposited layers could influence the layer properties considerably. Float glass for window and façade constructions can be subject to certain changes in color and transmission properties. Changes in the thickness of coatings of glass, as a basis for solar cell production, could lead to asymmetries of the electrical properties.
Layer properties
Layer properties can be changed by the partial pressure of the sputtering gas or the magnetic field. Since changes in the gas composition affect the layer composition likewise, for adjustments of the layer thickness solely the control and modification of the magnetic field can be applied.
The role of m-cat
The m-cat system characterizes tubular magnetrons with high precision, what allows the operator to control the magnetic components in sputtering units. Besides the exact measurement and analysis of the magnet configurations the m-cat provides help for adjustable magnetrons, regardless of the manufacturer. To ensure high reliability the magnetrons’ geometries (e.g. deflection) are determined.
The m-cat improves
The process reliability.
The homogeneity of the layer thickness
The life-time of the targets
Properties & parameters
Determination of the shape of the entire magnetic field
Complete measurement within 1 minute
Geometry recognition with the maximum deflection of the magnetron
System length between 0.4 and 4.0 meters
Available for circular and plane cathode magnetrons
Rigid and soft magnetrons
Adjustable to the measurement task
Measurable with target (optional)
Target parameters available (diameter, deflection)
High user- friendliness
Magnetic field configuration: 33 channels (X,Y,Z) +/- 1%
Determination of the minimum and maximum magnetic field strength
Trimming function for trimmable magnetrons
Graphic visualization of the field profile
Geometry of the magnetron (Location of the magnetic functioning part): +/- 0.1 mm
Geometry of the target (diameter, deflection): +/- 0.1 mm
Software with life cycle management, various views and setup Options
Save and export function for single sets of measurement in CSV format